Découvertes: Exposition collective

8 July - 28 August 2021

LouiSimone Guirandou Gallery présente "Découvertes" : Troisième édition de son exposition de l'été, lucarne ouverte à la jeune création, fraîcheur et diversité d'univers la caractérisent.

Une édition aux allures de melting-pot qui réunit six artistes découverts par la Galerie au cours de l'année écoulée.

  • Explorers, bound by their sensitivity to the paths taken by the march of humanity, they have chosen to be artists. Trading an easy comfort for a future as uncertain as singular, they choose to express their commitments and what touches them through art.  They reveal themselves a little more with each line, each brushstroke or photograph in the eyes of others. Thus, the spectator in front of an artwork discovers a part of the history and the soul of the artist in that his aesthetic (or not) choices, his approach and his technique define him in his time.

    "Découvertes" showcases a panorama of atypical stories, from the converted law student to the self-taught artist and the fine arts student, young or experienced, united by their passion, these artists come together and reveal through a collective exhibition rich in color.